2.2.0 Release notes:
New Features:
Added Drum SQ multi pattern.
Added formant lock to single loop osc mode to preserve formants while pitching 12/-12.
Any multisample displays will switch to the sample for the recently played note.
New icons for preset preview.
Reworked previews: added categories with different play lengths, changeable on the sys page.
Preset -> update preview now displays a small progress on the file in the browser instead of an annoying popup.
Fixed an issue where the drumkit browser had an incorrect scroll size after renaming a preset in a custom expansion.
Sound browser now shows the correct selected sample for the slot in osc stacker mode when changing the slot.
Fixed arp ratchet 7-in preset having a wrong value.
Renaming a preset in a custom expansion that has a preview will also rename the preview correctly.
Fixed an initial click sound when modulating oscMaster, DrumMaster, or MasterVol from high to zero on the first voice.
Fixed another issue with osc velocity.
Fixed adding a shaper module not displaying the correct selected initial shaper model.
Fixed pitch envelope used as mod-source on a non-per-voice target being triggered by drum voices.
Fixed an issue with MIDI export when speed is triplet or dotted.
Fixed an issue with macro button modulation where the final value now behaves more like a button than a dial.
Fixed a crash on windows when file load/save dialog was open while DAW was about to get closed by the user.
Fixed an issue where osc keytrack was not correct applied when using copy/paste
Fixed a click sound in TG when stereo width is not 0% or 100%
Fixed AAX timeout on "ALL NOTES OFF" midi cc
2.1.1 Change Log
- fixed: TG display shows wrong init settings after a new TG module was added
- fixed: Harmonizer Enabled, Hamronizer Voices Enabled display correct modulation state even if no voice is active
- fixed: Velocity was ignored when a osc was in single loop mode.
- fixed: modulating harmonizer on/off did not respond correct.
- fixed: avenger reported wrong latency on other samplerates than 44100
- fixed: drum loopsample preview working again.
- fixed possible deadlock in host notification of latency change
- fixed a crash on mac when browsing presets
- fixed an issue where loading a custom preset, oscs could load a single loop custom sample as "freeform" mode in specific circumstances
- fixed mixer drum routing selector does not recognize when fx bus was added
2.1.0 Change Log
- ADDED: osc harmonizer
- ADDED: osc chorder main voice muteable via preset browser menu
- ADDED: NEW PARAMETERS to StereoMatrix fx
- ADDED: Preset-Preview can be played with DAW-BPM to get a better feel how it sounds in your project.
- ADDED: volume-control for preset-preview in presetbrowser.
- fixed: a fx will display "Default Preset" instead of "untitled" when a new instance is loaded.
- fixed: drum slot aux routing pulldown not updated correct after preset load
- fixed: mod-matrix "add target" was showing inactive routing elements
- fixed: drum loop sample is still visible in the scope after removing the sample from the slot
- fixed: osc velocity zone was ignored when osc is in multi-loop mode.
- fixed: trigger module saves user samples in the preset now.
- fixed mod-env osc-x trigger where keyzone was not taken into account on note release.
- fixed an issue where last ratchet note may slide, even if the gate is lower than 100%
- fixed a crash when try to copy/paste to master filter
- fixed click-sound issue in spectral playback when looping a sample.
- fixed a cpu spike that could occur when using random-arp-auto-dice
- fixed an issue where a fx preset is not selected correct when using the "save preset as..." function in the fx preset browser.
- improved stability. fixed several crashes that could occur while loading a preset.
- improved: when saving a preset via the memory button into a custom expansion, the preset will be located/revealed in the expansion-preset-browser
2.0.6 Change Log
- Added upwards/downwards OTT compressor FX.
- FIXED: Crash in ProTools when loading Avenger.
- MEMORY button -> SAVE: Disabled the quick save function when the preset name has changed, to avoid overwriting the previous saved preset.
- Fixed issue in chord detection for 5th-multiloop samples with MIDI-note-on that are just a few samples apart.
- Corrected the position of the "NUM WAVES" dial in the resampler editor.
- Prev/next preset now works correctly when preset search is active.
- OSC sound browser search is reset when the sound browser is closed (to avoid confusion when coming back later and seeing just a few sounds).
- Preset preview with progress bar and stop button. Additionally, any note will stop the preview, and any new preview will stop the synth.
This is to avoid simultaneous audio from the preview and the synth.
- OSC quantizer: incoming MIDI option is now set correctly for the selected osc and not just for OSC1.
- Quantizer preset browser context shows the correct selected preset.
- Converting samples to any expansion content type will cause an update of the OSC-Soundbrowser to show new samples as intended.
- Fixed: Rename preset in custom expansion not working.
- Fixed issue in drumkit where "Copy Sample to Slot X" was not working correctly.
- Fixed issue in granular/spectral with multisamples where the wrong root note was used.
- Fixed a rare crash when accessing internal content lists while these lists are being updated.
- Fixed an issue where the "SURPRISE ME" button at the preset-search yielded the same sequence of presets each time Avenger was opened.
2.0.5 change log
- fixed an issue when importing custom expansions
- fixed an strange ui problem on windows/fl-studio when drumsample browser is open, the ui starts to lag.
- added datareadout to random arp distribution display
- fixed issue with two revers-end-sync notes.
2.0.4 change log
- spectral-granular root-note is working as expected now
- fixed additional utf8 problems
- fixed a skin issue in random arp where the length and silence option buttons where switched
- fixed arp-randomizer not using notes after edit
- fixed a issue with drum sample reverse-end-sync on very long samples
2.0.3 change log
- fixed a small memory leak
- fixed a crash that mostly occured on MAC when loading presets while ARP tab is visible.
- fixed an issue with xp image caching. UI should load a litte faster now if many expansions are installed.
2.0.2 change log
- fixed extreme cpu usage when changing parameters vie MIDI or DAW automation
- macOS 10.13 support, rewrote framework functions that required macOS 10.15, so they now are available on 10.13.
- added "reimport settings" from expansion to xp browser. if fx presets or ARP-Module presets are missing, use this function
- reworked memory management for ARP keys to improve stability
2.0.1 change log
- old factory.avxp expansion is not displayed when it is installed in parallel with a factory.avxp2
- new avenger activation bitmaps to reflect version 2.
- WINDOWS: fixed license activation carusel caused by an UTF-8 path name problem.
- WINDOWS: reimplemented version information in Avenger2 files. VMAN should display the version correct now. ( instead of n.a.)
2.0.0 change log (short version)
- added new spectral module incl. spectral expander module
- added new single loop module
- added drumloops for drumkits
- added quantizer module for OSCs
- arpeggiator can now do ratchets
- arpeggiator randomize module
- midi export for arpeggiators
- added new 4k main GUI
- added the possibility of parallel filter routing
- 60hz smooth framerate support
- improved loading times of presets and samples
- improved cpu spikes and overall cpu consumption
- improved RAM usage
- added shimmer feature in Reverbs
- drum slots/editor can now do bitrate reducing per slot
- new drumkit browser - swap single sounds on the fly
- new pitch envelope for each drumslot
- ability to use single wav loops in the multi loop module
- added new macro controller sub tabs
- added a fifth AMP, FLT, SHP, LFO tab
- added a new row with categories in the search info tags (Weird/Misc, Random/Generative Spectral/Additive)
- added new Factory 2 ROM library with 250 new presets, samples, wavetables and granular loops
- added 1500 new drumloops to the factory
- added tons of new sub-presets for all fx modules, envelopes etc.
- added new effect type: Q4ntum multi fx delay
- added new effect type: BitBite
- added new effect type: RutaVerb
- added new effect type: EnvFollower
- improved stability
- improved chord detection modes
- updated old skins for 2.0 compatibility
- auto preview (audio) for presets
- many new impulse responses for our Impulse reverb
- dozens if not hundreds of minor fixes and changes
1.8.7 change log
- fixed a crash when loading arp patterns in the 3-dot menu in specific cirtcumstances
1.8.6 change log
- fixed error with connected arp-notes and OSC-endless sub fade mode where the connected note was played wrong
- fixed VST3 parameter automation text input was set to wrong value
- fixed chorus preset load issue
- fixed missing spike level calculation for drum slots which may have caused wrong spike levels for drums
- fixed "empty expansion issue" when publishing custom expansions
- improved load times for rental licenses
1.8.5 change log
- fixed arp note issues that were introduced with 1.8.4
- fixed modmatrix-shape could yield wrong values on 90° steps.
- fixed error in modenvelope where tempo scale would save and restore wrong scaling
- fixed M1 rounding error on chord note transpose
- fixed some os realted issued when read files
- fixed issue where ARP was still holding notes after a preset was loaded
- fixed issue for Grain-Env-Shape where the GUI did only access the parameter for OSC1
- fixed a very rare note hang in osc when midi-special mode root note.
1.8.4 changelog
- ARP: added "Ignore Global latch" option to achieve specific preset design.
- ARP: added "Ignore Endless Switch ARP limits" option to achieve specific preset design.
- added a random/alternating fine tune on OSC Sample stacker slots, so each slot can have its own random tuning
- osc-vibrato frequency is working with a "add" modulation mode
- fixed xp sorting bug
- fixed modulation bug, where chord-detection key zone did not change for an osc if the
key zone was changed via the mod-matrix
- fixed an issue where multi-loop samples would not playback on first note when using them with an ARP
- fixed math->random on osc phase modulation which was not working as expected
- fixed issue with granular envelope when using ARP sync mode LATCH
- fixed issue with overlaping note playback during ARP Pattern change while in the middle of a pattern.
- fixed timing issues in multi-loop osx using the TIMEFREEZE algo
- fixed issue with loading LFO OSCx trigger setting from preset
1.8.3 changelog
- fixed issue in license-update where the remaining time was calculated wrong.
- fixed chorder tuner error where -24 was displayed, but not played correct.
- fixed a rare crash when loading presets, caused by a wrong parameter update.
- changed SSE implementation so that CPUs with SSE3 and above supported again.
- fixed text input rounding error for routing-fx-send value
- multi-loop osc voices are ignored by the voice-steal algo so that they are not stopped.
- fixed issue on mod-matrix source "MIN-CHORD" which was always true on any non-maj chord.
- fixed an error when osc uses Multi-Loop mode and ARP is set to "fixed note"
1.8.2 changelog
- fixed VST3 error where Pitch-Bend did change after a preset was changed ( Cubase 11 )
- fixed tuning error when a chord-preset was selected in the OSC-voicing tab.
- fixed issue where a negative arp-pattern index was possible that may have caused a crash.
- fixed an issue in the chord voice replacement where a note might be assigned wrong to a voice
1.8.1 changelog
- added "Download Keyfile" popup when Avenger tries to load an expansion without the license in the keyfile to simplify the activation process.
- fixed error where an osc my play one note below its keyzone
- fixed issue on IntelMACs where the ImpulseFX was not working correct.
- possible fix for a rare crash on MACOS during load of Avenger
- changed codebase to be compatible with older-non-AVX processors. Minimum requirement changed to SSE4.1.
- WIN: added VisualC redistributeable package to installer.
- keyfile drag n drop should work correct now.
- fixed: switching LFO from Global to per-voice trigger did sometimes not work as expected
1.8.0 changelog
- Avenger is now working on Apple M1 native
- switched copy protection from Codemeter back to keyfile
- added: when preset search is visible, the prev/next button will cycle through the search results instead of loading the next preset from the "normal" expansion list
- added "FAVORITE" icon to preset search to toggle Fav's during search
- added detection for some specific chord ( min7-3, maj7-3 )
- added ARP triggered incremental mod source
- fixed: fx Phaser does not move when spread parameter is modulated
- fixed: arp chord detections hangs on last chord until a full chord is triggered again (happened on specific circumstances)
- FX impulse: fixed problem where textedit did not update the fx
- fixed: osc display did display the wrong start offset in specific circumstances
- fixed a crash: when changing the legato mode on the pitch tab may try to retrigger also inactive oscs that causes a crash on specific circumstances
- fixed a possible crash in pitch-module preset load
-fixed issue with loop playback in multi-loop module in specific circumstances
- fixed midi note hang in specific circumstances
- fixed: drumkit triggers modenvelope, even if osc-only mode is used as trigger for the mod-envelope
- fixed an OpenGL issue that deleted Textures from other application when closing Avenger's GUI
- fixed macOS: drag n drop onto Wavetable/Resampler sample display is now working as expected
- fixed a possible bug where the Avenger completely muted using sample stacker
- fixed a rare crash when loading presets while the ARP editor was visible
1.7.0 changelog
- added new OSC module: "Event Trigger" - can trigger certain sounds and samples on events like release/note off or midi CCs
- fixed: OpenGL issue where closing Avenger GUI caused display problems in other plugins or may have crashed the DAW
- fixed: midi note was not displayed correctly when clicking the midi keybord inside the Avenger GUI
- fixed: invalid argument exception/crash when entering an empty string to const wavetable length
- fixed ARP note display: notes with 11 and -1 do allign correctly now
- fixed: issue in OSC soundbrowser freeform and the search function. The search found results from other categories than freeform
- added: drag n drop for custom-wavetable files from a path that is not inside expansions
1.6.2 hotfix
- fixed: arp first note is not played correct in some DAWs
1.6.1 changelog
- improved: less CPU usage of Multiloops (especially the CPU-spike at the voice start). These are nearly completely gone now!
- added: new feature for OSC sample stacker: each sample slot can have its own key/velocity range where it is played. This is also displayed in realtime. Go to a sample OSC / Edit / chose slot 1-4 of sample stack
- added: Multiloop module: in the context "chord type" you may now chose what should be the priority when playing just single notes / no chords The user can choose that single notes are detected as minor or major chords
- added: modmatrix "duplicate" feature: You can now duplicate entire mod sources with all its targets into other existing sources. You can find this in the mod matrix context menu /duplicate.
- added: massive speed improvements when converting/importing multisamples, shapes, wavetables etc to an expansion. Should now work nearly instantly!
- added: shape batch convert for folders that conains a lot of shape-samples. Just chose the main folder and select "batch convert OSC shapes" to convert everything whats inside into shapes
- added: TAB key switches the OSC tabs / shift TAB key moves backwards through the OSC tabs
- improved: sample loading time. If you now load large multisamples ( 100MB and more) from the OSC browser, this now goes a lot faster
- improved: loader will notify the user if the license needs a refreshing. It can be done directly on the Avenger loader or -if you want- like before in the V-Man
- fixed: small timing issues in the ARP
- fixed: Drum-Routing was disabled and showed "OSC used as FM Source" when OSC1 was used as FM source
- fixed: annoying click-sound on chord change/sample change in Multiloop mode under specific circumstances
- fixed: fixed a memory leak/crash when loading data from an expansion
- fixed: volume of the autoplay previews are now taking the master volume into account
- fixed: chords were not always detected correctly when latch mode was on and OSC chord root note filter was set
- fixed: ARP moving notes stepwise to left or right may have caused grafical bugs in the arp under specific circumstances
- fixed: issue with saving/restoring solo mute state in presets after the implementation of the the solo/mute handling
- fixed: issue when modulating the sample-start-delay with a random source
- fixed: issue with UNDO of deleting a stacker sampler that had a modulation in the Mod-Matrix. Now the Mod-Matrix is restored properly on UNDO
- fixed: Modulation ring of the granular desity/grain size works now smooth - without framerate drop
- MAC: fixed a crash that was related to a not released openGL context after closing the GUI
1.6.0 changelog
- multiloop: fixed noise burst when changing special modes (add 12, crazy, add -12 etc) while voice is currently playing
- multiloop: fixed a key-naming problem in the multiloop-map file when creating a multi-loop sample for 5th and save it from the multiloop editor in Avenger
- multiloop: fixed a issue when loading a multiloop -> then init preset -> change the osc to multiloop again = previous key assignements where still visible even if there was no sample loaded
- multiloop module: added a 5th-lock function so that 5ths can be also played when only 1 note (no chords) are played. Or you can chose the chord mode which makes sense when 5ths are combined with other multiloop modules playing min/maj (3 note play required)
- File-Browser: added open/closed indicator to drive/folders to improve readability
- File-Browser: fixed colors which were barely visible due to an error in the factory skin
- OSC: fixed issue with displaying missing content in sample-stacker mode. If a sample stacker now contains unlocated files its now possible to see which one
- OSC: fixed issues with subosc when osc is in sample-playback mode
- ARP: fixed another note-hang problem in the ARP when using humanize and/or strumming
- VST3 plugin format: fixed a crash when loading a preset in Avenger DAW Ableton Live
- added new "solo" button in the sample-stacker module
- Resampler vocoder button: adapt now sits after the vocoder, making it possible to round the saw-ish edges with the adapt
- very long files in the Multiloop module are now being displayed correctly
- Arpeggiator export / live record in DAW now can correctly output and record chord mode, strums and humanize
- under certain circumstances the sub osc could sound lofi. This is now fixed
- global Mute Solo logic improved: Solo now is always a "real" solo, muting all others. This is much more convenient for A/B comparison. You can add solos by unmuting others
- Drums page: rightclick on solo button now has the option to solo a trum track dont mute the oscs. So you can hear a bass drum solo playing together with all your OSCs
- fixed minor bugs and stability
1.5.9 changelog
- fixed issue with Masterfader on Mixer-Drums (OSC was displayed but Master was changed when moving the slider)
- fixed issue with drum-kit slot delay loading. Old problem returned where many drum-kits were loded with a delay of 0.5ms. Now fixed
- fixed issue with right mousebutton (Cntrl Left) on macOS in ARP Display
1.5.8 changelog
- fixed issue with ARP legato OSC Endless Sub
- fixed a crash when unloading the plugin and an FX-Preset browser was opened that had sub-menu entries
- fixed rare deadlock during preset load
- fixed note hang for endless-sub osc chord root option on specific circumstances
1.5.7 changelog
- fixed: other samplerates than 44.1 could lead to hanging notes. This is fixed now
1.5.6 changelog
- new: changing or modulating the legato mode in a pitch module will not stop the active voices of an OSC using that module. The voices are retriggered instead
- added: File-Browser using arrow keys up/down plays the sample preview now. Right arrow loads the sample to the current active OSC (of an active OSC Tab or the selected drum slot if the DRUM Tab is active)
- added: Guitar loops are working with first-note trigger correct now. If another OSC starts the first note out of the range of the Guitar-OSC, the guitar sample would start on the correct beat-position as soon its triggered
- New Copy/Paste Module mode. Its now possible to copy a module from one preset into another. Previously after loading a preset/initialize the copied data in the clipboard was lost. You can also copy a module from one instance to another instance of Avenger
- optimized DrumSeq ROLL Mode: "reverse Sample-EndSync". Now working like a dream: SampleStart/End is now taken into account. Slot pitch or individual drum note pitch also affects the start position and left neighbor events will also be taken into account and offseting the start position, so the reverse ALWAYS ends correctly on point, no matter what.
- fixed: CombKey filter issue where changing the "damp" Value while a note is activate did not work correctly
- fixed: switching a granular samples in the OSC browser while playing a note on that OSC will keep the envelope position on the correct synced location instead of retriggering the envelope (which lead to unsync behavior between other playing arps)
- fixed: wavetable overlay over the keyboard will be visible or not, now corresponding correct to the overlay-switch on/off setting after preset load
- fixed: preset search filter "ARTIST" - artist is now listed correct for preset saved with 1.5.x
- fixed: modulating the VINT Filter - Filter MOD: Parameter is now displayed correctly
- fixed: issue with wrong end-value in "oneshot" mode for the wavetable-envelope
- fixed: expansion sorting issue in soundbrowser
- fixed: ARP display beat-index lines are listening to the speed modulation and will display triplet-beat when modulated from a normal beat correctly now
- fixed: note hang when activating/deactivating chorder-voices via macro buttons when the OSC used an ARP
- fixed: drumkit AUX output "click" sound when triggering notes too fast
- fixed: click sounds when using oversampled FM on note-start
- fixed: issue with cursor key in the sound-browser when the arp was visible
- fixed: OSC endless sub: when a note is held, changes of the octave/switch key are live audible now
- fixed: issue with wavetable envelope sequencer and first note. the sequence was reset on a new note when the SYS-Page speed change mode is set to "JUMP"
- fixed: poly legato mode when using note-connection in ARP
- fixed: note hang when using legato and triggering note via midi keys and internal keyboard
- fixed: wavetable "first-note" trigger when using a pattern sequence in the wavetable envelope
- fixed: missing notarization in macOS X installer
- added: Resampler editor custom wavetable size accepts now much finer values: decimal values up to 3 digits (for example 1024.123)
- fixed: issue with random tri LFO first value when using the offset parameter - wrong range values were possible
- fixed: issue with the "default settings" for ARP and StepSQ when there is no "default Preset" available in the settings folder for the module
- fixed: drum sample envelope showed wrong ms time information on the envelope points
1.5.5 changelog
- new free skin added! "FLAT" (a flat version of the factory skin by Vlad Shnyrev)
- note-connect: fixed issue where the first note get muted if is is a connected note and the pattern just switched
1.5.4 changelog
- fixed issue with new init preset detected as outdated
- fixed issue with latency-notification to the daw
- Midiwars is working again!
- wavetables and shapes from the freebies section (AKWF / Weidner WTs) can now be used again (redownload new version from our website)
1.5.3 changelog
-fixed crash when using cross FM Fixed Masterfilter bug (low volume on many presets or muted)
1.5.2 changelog
- tunefile is loaded correct for samples and multiloops now. (some presets had wrong volumes or wrong tune) Fixed Masterfilter bug (low volume on many presets or muted)
1.5.1 changelog
- Fixed Masterfilter bug (low volume on many presets or muted)
- fixed bug that The Import button on the Sys tab did ignore avxp2 fil
1.5.0 changelog
1.4.10 changelog
- fixed hang during loading in ProTools DAW
- fixed issue with wrong routing of FX busses after loading a preset in specific circumstances
- fixed issue with granular envelope global first trigger
- fixed issue with retriggering ARP notes when legato is being used and the chorder voices are being turned on and off
- fixed mouse wheel 12 steps for OSC transpose dial
- fixed issue with hanging ARP when sustain pedal is used
- fixed issue with playing ARP notes that were too long / too short after changing the ARP speed
1.4.9 changelog
- added/fixed: Avenger reports a latency to your DAW now for correct auto compensation. You can set this up on the SYS Page "Off" (regular/default behaviour with zero live play latency - "Dynamic" (latency rises depending on the number of Limiters or Comps being used in the preset) and "Fixed" 5,10 or 15ms" (one Limiter or Compressor needs 2,5ms lookahead, so 15ms can compensate 6 of these effect types)
- added: "set global" button for the latency mode: updates all Avengers in your current song project to the desired setting with one click
- added new stereo compensated mode for the VSAW with even voice-counts (2voices, 4voices and 6voices are now equally divided in the stereo field)
- added a new button: ARP "Auto-Follow" - the ARP view will follow your pattern changes if active
- VMAN only logs into the account when opening VMAN. this should speedup loading time alot
- general improvement of loading times
- fixed: loading a new drumkit and having locked drumslots will now lock all the parameters (vol/pitch etc) of the locked slots, too
- fixed: correct snapping steps to the FM Rate dial when moving it with the mousewheel
- fixed: DC offset in shaper with mode "polynom"
- fixed: bug with triggering mod env if the triggering OSC has a different keyrange
- fixed: issue with appearing "PITCH8" route in the drums after removing MasterFX from a selected range of drumslots
- fixed: pitch envelope in loop mode was not correctly synced to your DAW's BPM after loading a preset in certain circumstances
- Avenger will update the init preset to a new version, because of important changes due to recently added new features. A backup of your customized init-presets will be created
- many minor improvements and fixes
1.4.8 changelog
- added new SYNC MIX modes 100%,75%,50%,25% to specify the intensity of the sync effect (can be found in the context menu)
- included ARP Poly mode to the LATCH modes
- fixed an issue in drum sequencer reverse sample end sync
- fixed an issue with modulation assignent for OSC-Sample stacker slot when another slot was removed
- fixed a note hang when switching to endless sub while a note is active
- fixed a issue with wrong display of enldess sub mode when it is modulated byn the modmatrix
- fixed an issue with note hang when bypassing the plugin
- fixed a crash when using the search function in the soundbrowser and then navigating with the arrows in the browser
- fixed some minor issues in the chord detection
1.4.7 changelog
- fixed a problem with ARP fixed note / Chord Detection
- fixed issue with too much CPU usage on idle in specific circumstances
- fixed an optical issue with switching off the Endless-Sub-Switch mode
1.4.6 changelog
- fixed APR/DRUM-SQ playback issue when not using a LATCH-Sync mode
1.4.5 changelog
- massively improved chord detection modes
- VST3 fixed an issue where Avenger received MIDI-CC Data even if there was none
- fixed a GUI crash when double clicking the OK button in a pop-up message ( i.e. Initialize Preset)
- fixed a rare crash when cross FM was not set correct
- added Arp/DrumSQ-trigger option LATCH to SYS-page
- improved MIDI data readout. Its 2 rows now for better readability
- fixed a issue with OSC-target names were wrong after removing OSCs
- added new source that triggers if a MIN or a MAJ chord was detected
- added OSC-StartKey/EndKey mod target
- added OSC Keyzone as mod-target
- fixed odd scroll behaviour in Drumkit browser when saving a drumkit preset.
- fixed a issue with pre-delaying samples timing was not correct if SQ Speed was other than 1/16
- new endless sub Menu
- new endless sub mode: endless sub switch
- added octave and note offset to endless sub modes
- improved search: Now it is possible to search in a specific expansion for a search string
- sound preview plays always note "C" now
- fixed an issue where the expansion list was not updated after activationg a new expansion in VMAN
- added new function for DRUM-SQ: "REVERSE SAMPLE". You can access it in the ROLL-MODE context. That will playback the sample reverse. The tempo anchor point is the Step next to, where the arrow will point at
- added Shape for a MOD entry / slot in the MOD MATRIX. With that function you can additionaly shape the modulation value before if modifies the target.
- added new LFO Parameter: "Synced Mod." When this is turned on, rate changes via modulation will be synced to your Song BPM, meant it will switch the Rate only at full cycle values to stay in sync. So a 32th to 8th wobble will always sound tight in your mix.
- added "CLEAR" button to DrumSQ. Clears all notes
- added UNDO for preset load. If you accidentially load a preset, you can un-do this.
- added COPY/PASTE for FX settings, now you can copy FX specific settings from one instance of an insert FX to another instance
- added ENDLESS BASS Mode playing the octaves from the ARP. Endless Bass Mode also only takes 1/1 voice now in the Voices page / global voice limit.
- added ARP shuffle is now working correct on pattern lenghts that are not related to 4/4 ( esp. odd pattern lengths, i.e. length 9 or length 7)
- added KEYTRACK to insert FX: Filter. Good if you want to use the new Comb filter for example on the master sum or an effect bus.
- added visual feedback for inner dials (i.e. OSC PAN, Noise color etc...)
- added visual feedback for the OSC's HP/LP Filter bar
- added phase-lock for OSC Noise, very handy for static attack-noises (Drum sound design)
- added OSC-endless bass mode as mod target
- added: quick assign drum slots to aux or specific FX bus. Now you can route all AUX Outputs with 1 click
- changed: loading a ModEnv preset does not chagne the trigger-mode anymore
- changed: preset search->added VARIOUS folder to author context where authors with less than 10 presets are listed
- fixed issue with solo-ed sample stacker after loading a new sample to a stacker slot where all slots were audible again
- fixed DrumSQ. leftClick CNTRL to move the event free from the bpm-grid. Was working before but the note had to be selected first - now its easier to use. Great for Humanized Drum patterns
- fixed drum kit route gain-slider
- fixed a issue in AAX format where not all AUX outputs were processed correct.
- fixed an issue with resample/wavetable beat selector which was working only for OSC1
- fixed wandering crossFM attack sound
- fixed StepSQ clicks in stereo mode when stereo width is not 100%
- fixed an issue where granular-env position-dot did display the position of OSC1 even if OSC2 was selected
- fixed an issue where custom-samples was not stored correct in the sample-stacker
- fixed an issue with insert FX Filter "inertia". Now the insert FX: Filter is much faster for modulations.
- fixed an issue with Arp clock mode "first note" and play with multiple patterns where the arp did start at pattern A but B should have been already reached.
- fixed an issue in the mod matrix. modulating the strength of an slot using a per-voice-source where the target of the modulated slot is not per-voice
- fixed: changing StepSQ state and stepSQ module on multiple-selected drumSlots does not work
- fixed: mod-matrix slot strength modulation "bar" showed wrong value if mod add was used to modulate the strength
- fixed: granular-envelope speed mode wsa not saved/loaded correct
- fixed: crash when removing ARP1 after ARP2 was created.
- fixed a scrolling issue, when adding a new target/source to a quite full modmatrix
- fixed retriggering voices on chorder on/off and active legato
- VMAN: fixed: expansion not visible after downloading and importing it via VMAN
- VMAN: fixed: wrong folder for VMAN bitmap cache on MAC OS
- tons of minor bugfixes and imporovements
- added VMANAGER(beta) to manage the expansions in your account.
- added snap for ARP Pattern length
- improved preset search startup (loading a index list from harddrive so that it must not be created each time the plugin is started)
- fixed a issue for OSX GUI implementation that caused a very highg CPU usage
- fixed a crash caused by the COMB KEY filter
- fixed a tuning error for C-3...D#-3
- fixed some memory leaks
- fixed a issue where arp pattern length 16 could result in length 17
- fixed a issue that caused the routing display to show "#ERROR" after initalizing a OSC and disabling a filter-route
- fixed a problem with pitch-steps-parameter calulation
- fixed a click-noise at sample loops points (introduced with 1.3.0)
- fixed a issue where removing a module could cause a routing into a module of the same type for two times. ( i.e. 2x shaper1 when removing shaper 2)
- fixed a issue with DelayFX-Kill Feedback if it is pressed manualy and is modified via the mod matrix could cause a CPU spike
1.3.3 - hotfix
- fixed a crash starting a sound from the drum kit
- fixed a issue where it may occour that not all expansions were visible.
- fixed a issue with recursive cross FM ( OSC3-> OSC2 ->OSC 1 ) where OSC3 was not handled correct
1.3.1 - Hotfix
- removed a memory leak that was intorduced with 1.3.0
- fixed a small issue with deleting a FM-Source OSC. it does not get stuck in source mode anymore