Version History:
v1.0.7 - changes:
- OS compatibility update
- fixed a problem with AAX automation
- minor changes
Version 1.0.5
- fixed a problem that lead to a crash in FinalCutPro.
- minor changes
Version 1.0.4
- MAC compatibility with 10.9/10.10
- minor changes
Version 1.0.3
- added AAX version ( 32bit & 64bit )
- improved GUI performance
- MAC OSX 10.8 compatibility
- improved display for the vector scope ( cubic instead of linear interpolation )
- minor changes and bugfixes
Version: 1.0.1 - changes:
- Bypass completely reworked. No Audio will be processed. Only visual process will take place
(VUs, Scope etc...).
- Post Limiter gain should work correct now
- controlling a parameter from Novation Automap should work correct now
- MAC: display problem should be fixed now.
- Windows: empty Window bug should be fixed.
- improved performance (up to 25%)
Version: 1.0.0
- Release Version